A survey of the relationship between humans and their environment would unveil certain questions about what, when, how and why humans and non-humans exist and act the way they do. On the other hand, providing answers to such questions has often times than not resulted in the advancement of social research and investigations with the primary objective of generating knowledge for human development. It is therefore based on this premise that this article seeks to examine the contributions of social research to national development in Nigeria.
Understanding Social Research
Before we delve into the explanation of what social research is and stands for to both academic and non-academic researchers, it would be rather thoughtful if we meticulously take a grasp of what the term ‘research’ means. A research is the systematic and procedural investigation into events that happened in the past with the primary objective of refining existing knowledge and generating new ideas (Naidoo, 2001, p. 47). Also, the author noted that for an academic activity to be called a research, it must be based on content and contextual significance. When one takes a look at the literal meaning of the term “Research”, what comes to mind immediately is – “to search again” which is exactly its original meaning when translated from its French root Recerchier (Kabir, 2016, p. 2).
Furthermore, a research is often carried out by an individual, a group of individuals, an organisation, or a group of organisations who are enthusiastic and passionate about uncovering what things are?, who people are?, why things happen?, and what can be done to alleviate the challenges society faces. And based on the abovementioned, it should be noted that the essence of research is to provide accurate information on the behaviour, perspectives, condition, needs, aspirations and nature of a people in particular and society in general (The Research Society, 2022).
Every research begins with a question. In other words, the first task before a researcher begins his research is to ask certain questions revolving around his research topic or interest. It is only when such questions are being asked that the zeal and passion to answer them would become pronounced and the result of such incidence would lead to enquiry. Every invention made by humans whether in the past or present has always been through research. For instance, according to Ravilious (2020), Isaac Newton was able to formulate the gravitational theory in 1665 after he had carefully observed an apple fall off from its tree. Having fallen on the ground, Newton questioned why the apple fell straight down and not sideways or upward? In his investigation, he further explained that the force that makes the apple fall and holds humans on the ground can be likened to the same force or pressure that makes the moon and planets remain in their orbits.
Newton’s formulated knowledge with the apple incident aided the development of three laws of motion. As recorded by Ravilious (2020), the first law of motion states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion along a straight line unless moved by an outside force; the second law of motion states that an object will accelerate if force is applied to it. Here, acceleration is the rate of change of an object’s velocity and will happen in the direction of the force; and the third law equally states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that if an object peradventure collides with another, the first object (A) exerts force on the other (B) but in a certain direction. On the other hand, the same thing happens to the object (A) as it also feels the impact of the force.
Newton’s inventions, apart from gravity, also cuts across light, mathematics and motion and all these were possible through a single question and subsequently, research. In another event, it is worth noting that it was through questions like – what elements make up the universe, how did life begin, who was the first man and how did he come about, what are humans and non-humans and their roles, what is conscience and consciousness, that scientists and scholars developed series of research which yielded the knowledge we have come to embrace today as truth. However, (Birch, Stuart & Looi, 2013) insist that from the nature of the universe, to the purpose of dreams, there are a lot of things we still do not know – but we might do soon. And this would only be possible through research.
Interestingly, conclusion can be drawn at this point that every invention which had been made and would be made subsequently would all take place in the society. With this in mind, such inventions would cause social problems as well as raise certain questions regarding the impact of man’s behaviourand activities in society. Thus, it is in a bid to enquire, examine and analyse these social problems in order to generate knowledge on how well to modify them and stop them from reoccurring, that social research becomes relevant. From this point, one may be interested to ask – What is social research and what does it entail?
For a research to be identified as ‘social’, it must have to deal with events that have social implications in society. It should be comprised of processes of investigation into social challenges that humans face in a bid to derive new information on how to solve them. According to (Lawal, 2019, p. 1), social research is the step-by-step manner of deriving current information or data on any social subject that affects man in society . . . it gives insight into social happenings making researchers understand why, when, where, what, and how social life is being constructed and reconstructed daily. Thus, with the data social research presents, credible knowledge is gained about the complexity of life’s realities. Also, with such data, existing but false knowledge (probably myth or legend) is challenged as new findings are being made. Furthermore, (Lawal, 2019, p. 2) again, stated that social science research today, can either take the form of pure or applied type of research that helps provide new knowledge on social matters in society. Based on this, it can be said that in making investigations about events with social impacts in society, both qualitative and quantitative research methods can be applied.
The contributions of social research to national development in Nigeria
Prior to the 21st century, intensive investigations on the need to live in a world where perpetual peace and harmony will reign were made. And this resulted in the introduction of International relations – international studies, peace and war studies, global politics and more. The set up of standard institutions which pride in carrying out researches on the abovementioned fields in a bid to understanding why nations act the way they do and what could be done to prevent war from escalating and causing doom to the globe, brought about peace concepts like diplomacy, deterrence, and many others. It also caused the invention of conventional and non-conventional arms by nations for security and economic purposes.
Today, social issues concerning birth control, infertility, childhood obesity, cancer, albinism, disability, drug and food adduction, air pollution, water pollution, overpopulation, climate change, road accidents, air crash, depression, rape, sexual harassment, drug abuse and misuse, gender discrimination, racism, alcoholism, peer pressure, bullying, social media influence, youth violence, divorce, marital problems, religious violence, election malpractice, and many others have overtime resulted in a myriad of research with workable recommendation from academics, and free-thinkers of diverse fields of profession. And this has gone a long way to generating knowledge on how well to tackle and completely solve the abovementioned social problems in the Nigerian society. Indeed, this remains one of the major contributions of social research to national development in the country.
On whether social research is directly related to human actions, Khan (2022), noted that if social sciences deal on psychology, business, demography, commerce, sociology, economics, anthropology and also directly involve people, then, it is obvious that it also deals with the behaviour of people in their different roles as consumers, executives, competitors, producers, leaders, followers, salespersons, teachers, students, opinion-makers in society. Through this means, facts about human relationship challenges as well prospects in society are identified.
The essence of social research presently is felt in almost every fabric of the Nigerian society. Also, new theories are propounded either in replacement of already acknowledged ones or explanation of new problems. These theories are designed to examine and evaluate leadership patterns and systems, human behaviour, human capacity development, mental stress, business strategies, home management, stress patterns, human relationship, and so on. With their outcome, certain knowledge is gained on how to maintain human relationship, set achievable goals, and live a healthier life.
Social research also aid social planning. It helps institutions and organisations design and manage their projects through the provision of workable strategies. For instance, in the world of business, there is need for better customer service and profit-making strategies and through marketing research, certain models are ascertained. Apart from business, social research also contribute to the welfare and development of people in society by revealing the advantages and disadvantages of different policies and projects of government and private institutions on the country’s economy and the people. Also, social research generates knowledge on the conduct of research on issues that bear social implications in society; it helps researchers and scholars with the ability to be systematic in the design and conduct of their own research and in the examination and evaluation of the research of others; and it helps researchers with the ability to utilise skepticism and carefulness in making conclusions.
Again, the role of social research to national development in Nigeria is evident in the establishment of institutions, projects and programmes by government and private corporations with the aim of engendering the social and economic welfare of Nigerians. According to Nwalado & Obro (n.d.), p. 34 it is the findings of researchers in the social sciences that inform government formulation of national policies to equip Nigerians with skills and capabilities to be self-reliant, law-abiding, politically conscious and patriotic. It imbues in the citizens the need for national consciousness, as well as the skills that would aid creativity and innovations (Olusanya, 2020).
Through social research, the essence of social integration and the building up of national consciousness in Nigerians in a bid to fostering national unity and cohesion is recognised and achieved (Obro, 2007). This is why there are different government policies and programmes across the levels of education in the country that project and promotes civic rights and responsibilities as well as patriotism and national values.
There are hardly countries across the globe that attains great heights of advancements without a number of just and morally responsible citizens who are focused and determined to ensure that their country remains progressive. In this situation (Olusanya, 2020). Nigeria is one of those countries where through the findings of social research, the government among other non-governmental organisations has seen the need to promote good and quality moral education for pupils and students across different levels of the education system. Also, owing to the fact that Nigeria comprises a number of traditional societies with their distinct and rich culture and traditions, children and youths are being trained and raised with morals and according to certain societal norms and conduct. In this manner, the society is filled with right-thinking, law-abiding and visionary people.
Social research also aid in the creation of awareness of the various mineral resources, tourist locations among other natural geographic features of the Nigerian society (Nwalado & Obro, p. 36) It also critically studies their importance to the development of the country.
The study x-rayed the meaning and features of social research. With applicable examples, it also examined the significant contributions of social research to knowledge and national development in Nigeria. The article also finds that the Nigerian government has not been able to invest tremendously in research and this is evident in the country’s declining growth and development in the areas of social work, social welfare, community development, healthcare, and more. Thus, there is need for the Nigerian government to remain committed and consistent in the advancement of social research in the country.
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